
Title Description Type Link opens a new window
Social Determinants of Health

Social determinants of health (SDOH) have a major impact on people's health, well-being, and quality of life. 

Web article (html) health.gov
Digital Health

This article by Corinne Bernstein goes into the definition of digital health (digital healthcare).

Web article (html) Tech Target
Importance of Digital Literacy
An article by Kaitlyn Siu from the website Teach Your Kids Code about why digital literacy is important.
Web article (html) Teach Your Kids Code
Literacies for the Digital Age

PowerPoint slides for a presentation by Dr. Leah Stambler on Digital Literacy for K-12 Teachers.

Presentation (pdf) Yale.edu
4 Principles of Digital Literacy

This article by Terrell Heick breaks down the principles of digital literacy: Comprehension, Interdependence, Social Factors and Curation.

Web article (html) Teach Thought