General Education. Accessibility and Assistive Technology Courses. A woman pushes a stroller up a ramp.

Target Audience: Educators, caregivers, professionals, community members, and people with disabilities.

Description: The General Courses pathway provides foundational knowledge on creating inclusive environments through accessibility and assistive technology. This category covers essential topics such as Universal Design principles, equipping you with the skills to make learning accessible for all. Accommodate diverse needs and abilities, foster inclusivity, remove barriers, and ensure every learner can fully participate and thrive.

Discover the principles of universal design in early childhood through our specialized training. This training is designed to provide participants with the knowledge necessary to establish inclusive environments for young learners.

Descubre los principios del diseño universal en la primera infancia a través de nuestro entrenamiento especializado. Este programa está diseñado para brindar a los participantes el conocimiento necesario para establecer entornos inclusivos para los pequeños aprendices.