Courteous Communicator

Awarded to Guest user
Issued 30 April 2024, 4:57 PM
Issued by Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering - Online Training
Course: Communicating Across Channels

Recipient has completed the Communicating Across Channels course in the Digital Literacy for Medicaid Members Program. This program was developed by The Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering, funding generously provided by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing.


Recipient has completed the Empowered Digital Health course in the Digital Literacy for Medicaid Members Program. This program was developed by The Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering, funding generously provided by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing.

  • The following activity has to be completed:
    • "H5P - Communicating Across Channels"
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The Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering
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